Ever celebrated the passover? In Exodus the Lord told Moses it should be a feast the children of Israel celebrate throughout all their generations. Christ himself observed the passover each year of his three year ministry and performed the Atonement as the great and last sacrifice at the time of the passover. Elijah the prophet has returned at the time of the passover on April 3rd 1836 as promised for generations during the passover season in the restoration of all things. In my Eng 350 class tonight we observed the passover. It was an eye opening experience. Number one, Jews eat some interesting flavors during the feast.

After class, my friend Ty and I had about an hour to hang out in Salt Lake while we waited for Ty's girlfriend who was doing laundry with her Dad. We decided to go to the conference center and walk around. I had never been on the roof before. Holy cow, it is so amazing up there. I learned so much about the building from a senior service missionary who took us on the tour. Look at this picture. This is my favorite part of this six acre roof. The east side the roof is designed to look like the mountains to the east with large fur trees growing healthily on the roof. The west side (my favorite) is left to grow wild like the desert of Utah which the Saints walked into when they entered the valley. It is a beautiful landscape with wild flowers and other plants all native to Utah growing wild. It's beautiful.

Can you see the fountain on the north side of the building? It is directly over the podium where the Brethren speak during conference time. I thought of the beautiful symbolism that the fountain of the Word of God is proceeding forth from this location. The parameter of the building is made from granite straight from Little Cottonwood canyon: the same granite as the Salt Lake Temple. The building even as the same imperfections as the temple. The conference center is built in a way that it does not distract from the Temple, but rather it compliments it. The guide told us they cut enough granite to fill a football field ten feet deep.
WOW! I wish I could have been there. I read a blog occasionally written by a woman who observes all the Jewish holidays but is Christian. I am fascianted with all of the parallels. I love the pics and explanation of the conference center. It is so gorgeous.
Todd you have a blog? COOL!
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