Friday, November 20, 2009

Class Website

Well, I'm working on a website for a class right now. One of the requirements is to use a picture off of another website for ym background. Well, I made my own background! So, I'm posting it as a picture here so I can then reference it in my new website. Genius huh?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The End of An Era

Hey FamBam and Friends

I'm quitting this Blog...It's done, over, ka-put! I've just decided to move on and start another network of blogs where I can experiment more with my starving creative side. Home base is linked below:

The New Blog

I hope you check it out. I'm thinking with a fresh start to the blogging world, I'll be able to have more for you to follow.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Spirit of Elijah

Hey everyone, this week I was perusing the internet and felt like researching information about our family history. I got really excited and after just a few minutes searching I found a web page put together by some distant relative (The McCuistion Family). Her line is of our great great grandfather's sister. On this website she has some history written about our ancestors that I think is really cool. Click the picture for a link to her site(the picture is of James Taylor Kirk).

As I read this history I wanted to build I place where we as a family could share our stories with each other, and a place where we could remember important events in our lives. I've started building a family tree that I hope we all can work together on. I love you all. Let's make history!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

John Schmidt is Pretty Freaking Cool

Moved in and moving on

We are all settled in here in Arizona now. I finally found a job and I start Monday. The weather is already getting up to 110 degrees here, *sigh*

I was looking back on a website created by an organization called the Moregood Foundation. Its purpose is to flood the internet with positive websites about the church. One of my old mission buddies worked for them and asked me to write my testimony as an answer to a question on a website called I just happened back to it and saw something pretty awesome that made my day. You should go read it:

How do I know?

Friday, April 24, 2009

PowerPoint Blog

Well, tonight is my first night in Arizona and I don't have a job yet. Kristi is at work and so I got bored and started messing around with an idea I've had to put ideas for PowerPoint Backgrounds onto a blog. It isn't much right now and might never be, but at least it has kept me busy. Check it out. The picture is a link...Let me know what you think

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Birthday + Easter - Wisdom Teeth = Crazy Weekend

Well, last weekend we got to celebrate Kristi's 23rd birthday and enjoy general conference with my Mom and Kristi's Dad! What more could you ask for right?

Not to be out done, my birthday the following weekend would be one for the record books...Friday morning at 10:15 I lay in a chair with laughing gas watching the Incredibles from a TV hanging on the ceiling. Luckily, my mouth gave the Dentist enough trouble that I got to watch the whole thing. Getting your wisdom teeth out isn't the most fun thing in the world; however, I do get to eat jello and pudding all day. That same day, Kristi and I had a million errands to run. I couldn't let the fuzz of having my teeth cut out slow me down.

Saturday I felt the effects. My face is pretty swollen, but I'm surviving (and obeying the doctors orders: just for you mom). Actually, the highlight of Saturday was when the dentist called to check on me. That made me feel good. Today, I share the celebration of my birthday with Rachel, but with the Savior. I mean, the Lord's day isn't the best time to think about yourself. I did get a present from Rachel. Her and David got me the Dark Knight on DvD. Kristi and I plan on having dinner with some of my friends later on tonight. So, all in all, things are good. I just need to lose the puff in my face.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

There's No Place Like Home - The Living Room

I wanted to try and help you get a feel of how our living room looks. The pictures make the room look really is! We have a good time in our little place. Hope you come visit soon

Monday, February 9, 2009

There's No Place Like Home - Floor Plan

So the other day I got bored in my OB class, so I played around in paint and made this cool drawing. This will give you an idea of our living space. You should feel right at home when you come to visit.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

There's No Place Like Home - The Bedroom

This is series two of the apartment show. Enjoy

Monday, January 26, 2009

There's No Place Like Home - The Kitchen

Life has been wonderful in newlywed country. Making our apartment feel like home has taken a lot of work, but it's really coming along. This will be the first of a few series about the apartment. Since getting all our gifts (thanks again to everyone), we have set up shop. The kitchen is full of awesome appliances and gadgets, which we love. In fact, it feels like we have cooked real meals everyday since we've been here. Hooray for married life