Well, last weekend we got to celebrate Kristi's 23rd birthday and enjoy general conference with my Mom and Kristi's Dad! What more could you ask for right?
Not to be out done, my birthday the following weekend would be one for the record books...Friday morning at 10:15 I lay in a chair with laughing gas watching the Incredibles from a TV hanging on the ceiling. Luckily, my mouth gave the Dentist enough trouble that I got to watch the whole thing. Getting your wisdom teeth out isn't the most fun thing in the world; however, I do get to eat jello and pudding all day. That same day, Kristi and I had a million errands to run. I couldn't let the fuzz of having my teeth cut out slow me down.
Saturday I felt the effects. My face is pretty swollen, but I'm surviving (and obeying the doctors orders: just for you mom). Actually, the highlight of Saturday was when the dentist called to check on me. That made me feel good. Today, I share the celebration of my birthday with Rachel, but with the Savior. I mean, the Lord's day isn't the best time to think about yourself. I did get a present from Rachel. Her and David got me the Dark Knight on DvD. Kristi and I plan on having dinner with some of my friends later on tonight. So, all in all, things are good. I just need to lose the puff in my face.