Sunday, July 13, 2008

13 July 2008

Three year ago today I reported to the MTC. Mom was a crying wreck, but I was excited as could be. I've come a long way since that day. I will be home from my mission a year this Friday. Today Kristi and I went to walk around the Provo Temple grounds.It is beautiful this time of year. As we were sitting there I thought about my mission, and how it had influenced my life. I am who I am because of that service.

The MTC sits across the road from the Temple and on Sunday the missionaries have free time to go walk around the grounds. A funny thing happened there. My missionary class wandered on to the scen4 as Kristi and I were leaving. I didn't shave today because I'm leaving for my trip to Arizona tomorrow and I was with a girl. They shouted down the road at me and approached with cameras ready for a celebrity photo shoot. It was great to see them one last time before they leave to the field. They were a great group. Now they will always have a picture or two of their MTC teacher with two days of stubble and a beautiful women on his arm. I'm going to my mission companion's house tonight and we are driving out tomorrow and then hiking to Havasupai that night. Then it is three days in paradise. Check out this's amazing. I'll make sure to bring back lots of pictures


Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

Have a great trip. I wish I could go along. And thanks for the beautiful picture of the temple. Did you take that?

The Gallands said...

Have a great time! I love you!!! Can't wait till we can all do the hike down the Canyon together.